Tag: fun

Camille lyrics

I love that song “Ta Douleur” and have been listening to it quite a bit. It occured to me the lyrics may not be great and not understanding French, my curiosity got the better of me. So of course I found the lyrics and went to babel fish. The translation was funny. Do it for a laugh.

[I know you’re suffering, but trust me, I’m gonna take away your pain.]

The translation is funny. I get the gist of it though and it’s ok.


I heard this artist on triple J so many times on my way to work and it has taken incredible effort to track down the name. I can’t find much online about her but I discovered this clip on YouTube

Enjoy, I hadn’t seen the clip, I quite like the naked knitting theme in the video. There is another cool clip of the song but can’t put it here, so if you’re interested click here. It’s playful and I really like it.