Tag: grandfather

Visiting Pa II

Pa is in hospital now. He has had some complications. His chemo is progressing well though, so that was good. I have visited him both days of the weekend and also another friend who is unwell at present. I feel really lucky to have my health right now.
Today I took the kids in to see him and as we were leaving he said to them he was so proud of them and they were a credit to him. Lucky it was on the way out because I got pretty teary after that. I hate seeing him in hospital. He is so positive though. He says he hasn’t had a moment’s pain, not even a headache and he praises the staff and the equipment, taking an interest in everyone and everything. I feel he is a real credit to me.

Lack of Stress Bad for You

I think not having enough stress in my life makes me just as tired as having too much. Alternatively I could be coming down with something. I have felt so tired this week. I love school though. My classes are very enjoyable. My year 9s this year are sensational and I really have enjoyed every lesson with them. The journals they are doing are amazing.
Tonight I have baked more biccies and they turned out even better than last time. I visited pa again and he is having a bit of trouble, but is so positive about the people treating him. I feel so proud of him with his upbeat attitude to this. He is such a great role model for me. He will be 86 in August and he never ceases to find the good spots in his life and tell you about them. It’s pretty easy to be with him.

Light in Darkness

When I visited pa yesterday he told me about the chemo he’d had. He said the nurses at the local hospital were fantastic and they treated him as a mother would treat you. This really touched me. My pa is 85 years old and his mother died when I was a baby. He hasn’t had a mother for years and I felt so grateful to those nurses. I feel unable to help him at present. All I do is visit and listen to his stories, which I know is something, but you want to take away all the pain and trouble for those you love and it usually is impossible.

I realised that when people, like nurses, do their jobs with love, they are giving to so many. I reflect that back on myself and know that many parents feel concerned about their children at school and I hope I do my job with as much love as those nurses.

It’s a new moon tonight. A good time to write out your goals for the month. There was also an eclipse that has been written about by all the astrologers so I won’t go into it here except to say changes are supposed to be afoot. I have written my goals for the month. I strive to do this every month. Even if it is just to revisit my long term ongoing goals.

One of the astrologers I read (Yasmin Boland) advised to make a wish shortly after the eclipse, which was 9.11 in Australian time. I thought about this for a long time today. I used to make wishes with a lot more ease when I was younger. Having made plenty of wishes in my life and having had most of them come true, I am now a lot more careful about what I wish for. Sometimes the consequences of getting what you want are not exactly how you had envisioned it. I wished for more love on the planet. I think that’s pretty safe, at least I hope so.