Visiting Pa II

Pa is in hospital now. He has had some complications. His chemo is progressing well though, so that was good. I have visited him both days of the weekend and also another friend who is unwell at present. I feel really lucky to have my health right now.
Today I took the kids in to see him and as we were leaving he said to them he was so proud of them and they were a credit to him. Lucky it was on the way out because I got pretty teary after that. I hate seeing him in hospital. He is so positive though. He says he hasn’t had a moment’s pain, not even a headache and he praises the staff and the equipment, taking an interest in everyone and everything. I feel he is a real credit to me.

2 Replies to “Visiting Pa II”

  1. Thanks Asha, aren’t we lucky. He came home tonight. All’s well and I hope he continues to improve.