Category: reflection

Making space

Since I’ve come back from my summer break, I’ve been working with Youth Space Latrobe who are on an important mission to co-design a new space for young people in Latrobe Valley. If you know a young person who has great ideas and would like to participate – please share this with them. It’s a huge opportunity and responsibility.

I had the opportunity to share our process of making The VRI space with them.

It was satisfying to remember and talk about the important background work we did with Rosalea Monacella, Craig Douglas, the amazing team from ReActivate Latrobe Valley and our community. I speak to Rose very often since they’ve moved overseas, but still miss having her around. We did so much together- winter and spring festivals, #getsunflowered, 50 Mile Farmers market and especially for me The VRI. We met with countless community groups, businesses and stakeholders.

It’s good to reflect. I’m so busy moving on to the next project or program that I don’t look back on all that’s been done.

I showed the clip that was produced after our consultation.

I found our initial design concept presentation for The VRI which we were calling LV Community Shed or VRI Hall at the time, before we got our branding from The View From Here.  It’s tattered from sharing (as shown in photo). So many conversations and meetings around that big pile of paper.

The Design Concept Presentation for The VRI

Further reading:

*A lot of this info was on my old blog that disappeared during a server crash where I was hosting it. It’s still on the Internet archives but I don’t know how to get it back. If you know please tell me.


Focus on

I love feeling optimistic. It’s one of my favourite emotions. I want to make more effort to feel it.

My children were both born during the last Saturn trip through Capricorn making it one of the best phases of my life.

There is a new moon this week on Wednesday in Capricorn. Make a wish.

Here are some good things I’ve read/watched this week, enjoy –

Sue Jaye Johnson’s TED talk is less than 8 minutes. So often we hear about the dangers for children around sex, this is a different focus. I’m interested to hear if others found it as refreshing as I do.