Feeling Blah
I’ve been home with the flu(/gastro type thingy, yucky anyway) for two days and I feel like I am going stir crazy. I want my time back. It’s so inconvenient!
When I woke up before, I thought I’d have a read of some blogs and catch up. I’ve just about been sleeping for two days. My head still is a little sore, but I have to have something else to think about.
I noticed I am not alone.
Abundance Highway: Patience reports that Suzy has caught the bug.
Darren Rowse has prepared 8 Things to Do on your Blog when you’re Sick because

“As I woke up with a pounding head and numerous other flu ailments I thought today might be a relevant day to answer the question”

Over at ‘Everybody Knows’: Yeah Still Here, I find that

“yes i am still alive and yes i do intend to keep blogging. Its just been busy. Oh and coughing rather a lot still. All the time in fact.”

Contagious Online?
I doubt it very much, but there seems to be a lot of it travelling around Australia right now. There was an article in the news recently about a Flu Website that tracks the Flu. Here is the link to my clipped article on Newsvine. Strangely though, the article doesn’t have a link or address to the website. For more information about the 2007 Flu season you can go to the WHO Centre.. Or you can just hope it goes away soon like I am.

Cow Poo

In 1983 when I was doing year 12 or the HSC as it was called in Victoria then, we were studying a theme of ‘The Future’. Interestingly many of the books I read at that time and things I learnt have had big impacts on my life. We had to write an essay on what would happen if the oil ran out. One of my friends came up with what I thought was an amusing story about using methane gas from cow poo. We all cracked up and thought this was an amazing joke. I saw this a couple of months ago and wondered whether Greg was perhaps just a bit ahead of his time.
inhabitat: Poo Power:Could Cow Poo Power Your Home?

Snoskred recently wrote a very informative post on cows also, which reminded me of this Habitat article I’d saved. She asks “Everybody Loves Cows, Don’t They?” Well here’s yet another reason to be grateful for all that cows can offer the world. Read the comments as there are lots of interesting links.

Being Bee by Catherine Bateson

Catherine Bateson
I have enjoyed many of Catherine Bateson’s novels. My favourite was ‘Painted Love Letters‘. She sensitively handles times of change and relationships for young people and creates such interesting and alive characters.

Being Bee
This latest novel tackles the stepmother and tells a tale of a father and daughter team including a new woman in the house. It has been shortlisted for the CBCA Awards 2007 for Younger Readers. It replaces the stereotypical wicked stepmother with a new type of stepmother who is flawed and annoying yet gradually appreciated. It was an enjoyable light read.