Tag: personal growth

Giving and Receiving

December means Christmas season. It starts way too early out there in the wider world, but in our family with so many Sagittarian’s I don’t start with the Christmas tree and the serious contemplation of Christmas until after my daughter’s birthday. So about now for me.
I have actually been doing a bit of shopping here and there this year, so I don’t have too many people still to buy for. I was wondering today if the people I have to buy for have wishlists somewhere online that I am not tapping into. They could have an Amazon wishlist or a Froogle wishlist and I am just not aware of it. It would be really cool if they did. I was thinking about the possibility that people may add their wildest hopes to those kinds of lists and it would be fun to give others exactly what they wanted. One of my close friends has 8 people by the same name and none of them sound like her taste on Amazon. Luckily though the majority of people on my list I am in contact with regularly enough to know what they love.
Today I read a wonderful article by Steve Pavlina called “Making Money Consciously”. It is one of the most grounded, yet inspiring and helpful things I have read for a while and it made me think about my contribution to social value.

Ted Talks

Considering what it costs to see Anthony Robbins live, this is good value. It’s free! He tells a very touching story. I’ve listened to a few Anthony Robbins tapes over the years, but not until today did I hear him say the F word. So that was interesting! I kinda liked it. Made him seem more human to me. I know, I have issues.
Actually you can watch a video of Tony Robbins. He looks good too.
I have been checking out TED Talks again today. I watched a video there the other day, I don’t know if I mentioned it here but it was about Happiness by Dan Gilbert and I really enjoyed it. This is a valuable resource. There are quite a few great speakers on this site and I think you could treat yourself to the time it takes to listen to a half hour or so, or download a podcast.
Oh and since U2 is in Australia, you might like to celebrate that by watching Bono here.

Personal Growth GURU

GURU – Gee You Are You!
Since I’m being the big personal growth stuff promoter today, I also forgot to mention, Steve Pavlina has now forums on his site. I haven’t spent a real lot of time there, but had a quick scan of them and it looks like personal growth city from here. There are heaps of topics already and it’s only been up a little while. In his most recent blog post he says there are already over 3000 posts and almost 1000 users have registered, so I am guessing there will be a great range of opinions and ideas and lots of lively ‘Personal Growth for Smart People’ discussions.
So off you go and personally develop:-)