Ted Talks

Considering what it costs to see Anthony Robbins live, this is good value. It’s free! He tells a very touching story. I’ve listened to a few Anthony Robbins tapes over the years, but not until today did I hear him say the F word. So that was interesting! I kinda liked it. Made him seem more human to me. I know, I have issues.
Actually you can watch a video of Tony Robbins. He looks good too.
I have been checking out TED Talks again today. I watched a video there the other day, I don’t know if I mentioned it here but it was about Happiness by Dan Gilbert and I really enjoyed it. This is a valuable resource. There are quite a few great speakers on this site and I think you could treat yourself to the time it takes to listen to a half hour or so, or download a podcast.
Oh and since U2 is in Australia, you might like to celebrate that by watching Bono here.

2 Replies to “Ted Talks”

  1. In his live seminars he is using the f…. word a lot. I’v experienced his UPW event in London this year and it war outstanding.

    Best wishes from Germany … Marc

  2. Thanks Marc,
    It got my attention. Maybe that’s what it’s about. I imagine what ever he did would be intentional.