I miss blogging. I did it daily at one point and enjoyed the opportunity to record what my day had brought, so I am returning. I listened to the ‘Get Off the Bench’ podcast from Kerryn Vaughan interviewing Nicky Williams – https://www.kerrynvaughan.com/podcast1/nicky-williams-writing-off-self-doubt I could relate to what Nicky was saying.
Namowrimo Abandoned for Beach
I concede defeat. If you look at my stats, there is very little hope for me. Last year I predicted my inability to do it and didn’t try, this year I am quite willingly surrendering. It must have been beginners luck the first year and I feel doubly successful in my original effort now that I appreciate what it must have taken. I take my hat off to all those who are soldiering on with it and will now be a supporter from the sidelines.

Scorpio New Moon Observations
I’m feeling quite contemplative today. I blame the Scorpio new moon. It’s good for all the writing I want to do though. I made a great start last night and met the quota I had set for myself. It’s all very crude though and I know it would need massive editing if I were to take it any further or expose it to another.
Secrets are being told. I have heard a couple these last few days. Surprising secrets, not the ones I’ve been avoiding.
I have to get a haircut. I had it cut only 5 weeks ago. The grey is more obvious so that needs attending to also! Short hair saves time on a daily basis, but I find I have to go to the hairdressers regularly. I am testing the theory that if you get your hair cut before the new moon, it grows slower. When I wanted to grow my hair long, I would get it cut as soon as possible after the new moon. I know how busy the next few weeks could be, so I am doing it now.