Massaged and Loving It

Highly Recommend Massage
If you have never had a massage in your life, as so many people tell me they haven’t, commit to getting one today. I’ve been having around 4 massages a year for the last 20 years. I’m about to start having one a month though, life is too short!
Shop Around
In this time I have probably had a couple that weren’t satisfying because I paid too much and received too little, yet on the whole, the massages I have received have been little hours of bliss in life. At times I’ve had to try different people for all kinds of reasons. It’s a bit like hairdressers, sometimes you have to shop around to find the one that is just right for you.
Finding the ONE
I tried a new masseur yesterday. I have to say I was thrilled with her service. Excellent pressure, clean, tranquil space, warm towels, great price and a very positive and professional lady. The massage was a pleasure to receive. She used the quality essential oils that I prefer and a fabulous blend. Later in the day I felt a little tender, which always is the sign of a beneficial massage to me, much like those muscular pains after have a great workout at the gym. Yet during the massage, there was no pain, only relief and relaxation.
Affordable Proactive Care
Massage relieves stress, which is a big cause of disease. It improves your circulation and elimination. There are many types of therapeutic massage yet even relaxation massage is beneficial. Having a regular massage, whilst seemingly indulgent, could arguably be a saving due to the health benefits. Preventing disease has to be better than treating it. When I was struggling financially, I was fortunate enough to have friends who were studying massage and I was the crash test dummy for them, so got my massages for little or nothing. There really is no excuse to go without the health and well being benefits. Ask around to find a good reasonably priced person in your area. I have found people working from their homes are cheaper and usually just as well set up.
Massage Exchange
I massage my family and friends but I am not professional and I conk out pretty quickly. When they reciprocate it is a similar experience, they don’t last long enough! Whilst I think it is a lovely nurturing thing to do this for one another, it is no substitute for paying for and receiving an hour or more in a beautiful candle lit room, scented with essential oils, wrapped in a warm towel, in well trained hands.
How to Spot a Great Service
Short fingernails is a must. Many beauticians have long nails and whilst they create a great environment and have lots of other elements in place, can’t really apply pressure as well as trim nailed counterparts. Cleanliness and warmth are vital as I find it difficult to relax in other circumstances. Discuss price up front. Around $50 an hour is what I have generally found is a fair price.

One Whole and Perfect Day by Judith Clarke

Family Focus
Families are the focus in this contender for the Childrens Book Council Awards shortlisted for Older Readers. In One Whole and Perfect Day by Judith Clarke an interesting family of characters is assembled, complications are listed and neatly resolved by the end. There is warmth and magic as the broken down things in the central teenagers life come together at the end to form the whole and perfect day.
People with Flaws
I liked the characters and settings. I loved the grandparents especially. The grandmother living in her beautiful world and creating magic and harmony for the family. The cranky grandpa who threatens and rants in the family, yet privately is not racist or cruel. They were believable and offered insight into the ways children, parents, grandparents and community interact and form happy alliances, warts and all.
There was compassion in this story. The characters cared for others. Each of them demonstrated their vulnerability and extended care for one another and outsiders and this was the strength of the story to me.
CBCA Award Comments
I found the start hard to get involved with, and feel this book isn’t in the same league as the previously read shortlisted books. Yet having said that, it is a pleasing tale and is well worth a read.

Reading Challenge Stocktake

Premiers Reading Challenge
At school our kids participate in the Premiers Reading Challenge at year 7, 8 and 9. They need to read 15 books in a period of around 6 months. Most of them complete this and I try to challenge them to extend themselves a little. 10 of the books they read need to come from a list. I like to complete the challenge also and read 10 from the CBCA Award shortlist. The CBCA Award winners are announced during Childrens Book Week which is 18th – 24th August. This co-incides with the end of the Premiers Reading Challenge, which for schools is 17th August.
My Challenge Progress
The challenge began on the 31st January and in this time I’ve read; ‘Don’t Call Me Ishmael’ by Michael Gerard Bauer , ‘The Red Shoe’ by Ursula Dubosarsky, ‘Red Spikes’ by Margo Lanagan and ‘One Whole and Perfect Day by Judith Clarke. From my own choice books, I’ve read ‘The Lollipop Shoes’ by Joanne Harris, ‘The Witch of Portobello’ by Paulo Coelho, ‘The Journeys of Socrates’ by Dan Millman, ‘Stalker’ by Hazel Edwards , ‘The Running Man’ by Michael Gerard Bauer, ‘The Zahir’ by Paulo Coelho, ‘Theodora’s Gift’ by Ursula Duborsarsky, ‘White Time by Margo Lanagan, ‘Flying South’ by L M Elliott and ‘I Heard the Owl Call My Name’ by Margaret Craven. So I’ve actually over read in my own choice section. Well I guess that is the challenge! I have the last two from the shortlist for older readers, and one of the 2007 Eve Pownall Award for Information Books shortlisted books, because it had red in the title of course. I aim to read these during the next week.
In Summary
So I’ve read 4 out of 10 from the CBCA Awards shortlist. I have 3 here from the list to complete and would like to read the Catherine Bateson’s book ‘Being Bee’ in the Younger Readers Category as well as the one with Macbeth in the title by Jackie French. That will make 9. I’ve read two picture books from the list, so I will reread them and review them and then my work is done. Work – that’s a joke, I love reading. It’s been great listing this. It made me realise some more progress made.