Sunday 23rd June 2019

I’ve had a great week. I spent time with my family. I had a few social occasions. I did a fair bit of cooking and had a float, a massage and got to one exercise class.

I finished my corrections so I now have a midweek ‘holiday’. One day a week to do holiday things. I am disciplining myself to avoid work on those days, but it’s tricky, when you are passionate about your work to avoid the many ways people contact for work, even just going down the street on a weekend you will bump into a work related conversation. I am aiming for sustainability this year in my projects and it starts with me.

I did not take one photo this week.

I caught up with one of the original co-founders of Alt_Art this week, Xelious. It was amazing to hear about his journey since being with us at The VRI and after meeting with him, I was curious about one of his jobs with a company called Replika. AI that learns who you are and opens intimate conversation – with yourself? I want to learn more. Users are reporting connection.

Last night I went to the Startup Gippsland Pitch night. It was great to see the 40 or so businesses pitch their ideas. Elena Kelareva and her team have made a huge impact on Gippsland in the short time they’ve been in Warragul. It’s wonderful to see the opportunity and capacity building. The audience was also full of supportive people and it was a great social event. It’s such a promising thing for our region to be getting around.

This week I’ve been listening to three books – Your Daughters of Freedom by Clare Wright, The Water Cure by Sophie Mackintosh and Everybody Lies by Seth Stephens-Davidowitz. I’ve been reading The Strawberry Thief by Joanne Harris and These Things Happen by Greg Fleet.

Interesting things I’ve listened to this week have been:

Podcasts – lots to reflect on.

I also revisited this podcast cause I was driving and it came on. Such a good one though – probably my favourite from The Gloaming:

TED talks are apparently according to the first mentioned podcast are a bit passe now, I’ve heard this from a lot of people but I won’t give up my subscription. I love hearing predictions about the future:

Favourite TED Talk this week

Now I’m off to watch the latest episode of The Handmaid’s Tale. I hope you have a good week.

Two Weeks

I missed posting last Sunday.

I spent the day at ReActivate Latrobe Valley‘s event: Get Cheffed and was straight to bed at the end. The event was fun. We had around 500 local food lovers come through our market and 100 spectators for the main event.  The marquee was full of supporters who by pledging to our crowdfunding had made the Chef off and Chef up a reality. So many people contributed to the day and donated their time or cash or goods.  It is overwhelming sometimes how generous people are.

My parents had their 53rd wedding anniversary this week. I got married on the same day as them, 30 years ago, but did not go the distance, despite choosing what I thought would be an auspicious day. I only lasted around 5 years married. Enough time to have two amazing children, so no regrets.

Jane had her final day at Serving the Valley on Friday. She worked tirelessly right up until the last second following up opportunities for participants and sharing news on social media. We will miss Jane’s dedication to Serving the Valley, but fortunately we work together on other projects and are friends. Jane has volunteered at The VRI and Traralgon Neighbourhood House from the start.  I am happy for her that she has a more rewarding job and I believe she will make a greater contribution where she is going and that she may be able to improve opportunities for more people. Jane is one of the kindest people I know. We had a great party on Friday night!

Lots of other stuff has happened and I’m left tonight feeling very grateful for all the wonderful people we have on our teams. People who step up to help out and support in lots of ways. Brilliant people who roll up their sleeves and get stuff done, and make it fun.





Each week lots of little things happen that give me big joy. It’s challenging to describe my work week sometimes, so much happens….

I watched my friend Jane deliver her first yoga class here to a room packed with people.  Jane headed off to India for two months to explore and be trained as a yoga teacher.  We advertised her karma classes little over a week before. Lots of positive feedback. On a personal note it was the first yoga class I’ve attended for around 30 years (apart from YouTube classes). I loved it! Just got to get to bed early so I can get up.

I went to a meeting for Get Cheffed. Two of our chefs know each other very well as Megan was Manny’s apprentice. As the friendly banter went on, Manny very genuinely said he hopes Megan beats him because he trained her to be better than him. That’s a boss I want to see training our youth. As the team ticks off all the details that have gone into this epic undertaking I feel in awe of all the work, the quality of the work and the generosity of our foodie and business community. An impressive lineup of people from crowdfunding supporters, businesses sponsors, food industry celebrities and some govt funds is going to equal something very special for Gippsland and our team has plowed through the many stages of putting this on.

An irreplaceable belonging went missing this week. Our crew were horrified and went into action to track it down. I’m not sure who or how, but the item was returned within hours of it’s disappearance. A bit of detective work and an honest phone call led to the item returned to its owner with huge smiles all round.

A past participant returned to prepare nibbles for our Art Exhibition opening. He’d joined Alt_Art for a meeting and one of the artists had told him about a job opportunity and he got the job! He was so grateful he came back to give a few hours of time and $$ for ingredients to make a delicious feast for our event.

I was given a ticket to Pause Fest. I enjoyed all the speakers I heard. I bumped into a past student who I remembered loved to draw. He has turned his passion into a multi-media company and his work is amazing.

Lots of other stuff happened too but I’ve ran out of time.