Tag: community

Carer’s Week: 14th – 20th October

The National Depression Initiative: Beyond Blue is recognising carers this week. I take my hat off to those who care for someone suffering with depression. Carers are all around us. Those tired looking people who work with you all day and then go home and do a second shift, patiently, lovingly with family or friends. Some of the students at my school are carers for parents with mental health issues. It’s a big job. In most cases you will never hear about it. It reminds me to be kind to everyone, just in case they are carrying a bigger load than you know.

If you want more information Beyond Blue is a great site. There’s a lot of information for all kinds of concerns.

Random Facts About Me

I have been tagged by Kim @ Laketrees for:
10 Random Facts
The Rules of this tag:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. List ten (10) random facts about yourself.
3. Tag eleven people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them).
4. These eleven persons would have to tag 12 people.
5. You could also tag back, if desperate !
6. Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving them a comment on their blogs.

I’m not experienced at the Meme, so bear with me. I like randomness though. So here goes.

1. My daughter has the same middle name as me, so has my friend, Rhonda.
2. The last film I saw was ‘Becoming Jane’ – nice movie (if you like romantic unhappy endings)
3. I had noodles for dinner.
4. I’ve had 20+ jobs in my life.
5. My car is black.
6. I come from a family of 6 kids.
7. I barrack for Richmond no matter how much I dislike football
8. Every school holidays I find more stuff to take to the Op shop.
9. I started teaching at 35 and love it.
10. I am listening to Tori Amos right now.

Now the really tricky bit. I can’t tag 11 people. I will tag the following people one one condition: They feel free to pass, no offence taken, if they choose. I’m not sure if that is the correct etiquette, but I wanted to say that.
So these are the chosen ones that I would love to learn more about minus the ones I have read many memes about and suspect they could be over them:

Semantically Driven
Cerebral Mum
Duchess and the Duke
Sultana Blog

as well as anyone else who would like to play.


Feeling Blah
I’ve been home with the flu(/gastro type thingy, yucky anyway) for two days and I feel like I am going stir crazy. I want my time back. It’s so inconvenient!
When I woke up before, I thought I’d have a read of some blogs and catch up. I’ve just about been sleeping for two days. My head still is a little sore, but I have to have something else to think about.
I noticed I am not alone.
Abundance Highway: Patience reports that Suzy has caught the bug.
Darren Rowse has prepared 8 Things to Do on your Blog when you’re Sick because

“As I woke up with a pounding head and numerous other flu ailments I thought today might be a relevant day to answer the question”

Over at ‘Everybody Knows’: Yeah Still Here, I find that

“yes i am still alive and yes i do intend to keep blogging. Its just been busy. Oh and coughing rather a lot still. All the time in fact.”

Contagious Online?
I doubt it very much, but there seems to be a lot of it travelling around Australia right now. There was an article in the news recently about a Flu Website that tracks the Flu. Here is the link to my clipped article on Newsvine. Strangely though, the article doesn’t have a link or address to the website. For more information about the 2007 Flu season you can go to the WHO Centre.. Or you can just hope it goes away soon like I am.